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March with us in Cleveland! Poor Peoples's Campaign's National Call for Moral Revival

Monday, March 14, 2022
Trinity Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Ave, Cleveland 44115
The national Poor People’s Campaign  will be holding a major event in Cleveland on Monday, March 14: the first of eight cities across the country:   A National Call for Moral Revival  Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls Mobilization Tour. It will be led by the two national co-chairs, Rev William Barber. and Rev. Liz Theoharris.  This will be a leadup  move towards the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 18, 2022.
With the groups and individuals associated with the End Poverty Now Coalition historically taking the leadership in northeast Ohio Poor People's Campaign events, we need your leadership now!
We will be joined here in Cleveland  by PPC Campaigns from Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania for a regional Moral Monday at 5:00pm ET. Location is Trinity Cathedral, 2230 Euclid Ave. Cleveland 44115. Speakers who are directly impacted by the policy violence of the US Congress will headline the event.

4:30pm Gather
5:00pm Moral March (leaving  from East 13th and Euclid Ave) march to Trinity Episcopal Church
6:00pm Moral Monday Mass Meeting
There will be free parking in Trinity Episcopal's Church's lot entering from Prospect Avenue

COVID Protocols:
All participants will need to wear a mask and be able to show proof of vaccination and booster shots to attend the indoor event. Physical distancing will be expected and enforced at all times.
Ways that we need your help
1.  First and foremost we need a big in-person turnout.  The event will be broadcast across the country and we expect substantial media attention as well. We need the event packed. The groups from the End Poverty Now Coalition have been responsible for the heaviest turnout at most of the Ohio Poor People's Campaign events, and we really need your participation now.  
Although you can come if you have not RSVPed, we are requesting people to RSVP.  Any groups that have more than 10 people who have RSVPed will have reserved seating.  The link is below:
2. Need people to volunteer (or in a couple of cases get paid) on the day of the event.  Specifically help is needed in the following areas where we currently do not have people or enough people

 Peacekeeping  -  Marshals are needed to arrive by 4pm.

Childcare  (2) - These are roles that PPC is willing to compensate for up to $15 an hour. 

Spanish Translators (2)  - These are roles that PPC is willing to compensate for up to $15 an hour. PPC will also rent the headsets needed for the audience.

Parking Attendants  - Help direct traffic and escort those that need help or assistance before and after the event. 

Registration/COVID Vaccination Card Check-   Registering people coming in and checking vaccination cards

Usher/Wristband Check s will be double checking wristbands as ushers. 

Setup & Artbuild  -  we could use some handy folks who can help build the bracing and crossbars for our screen printed flags and banners. PPC will provide the materials (wood & screws).

Teardown  - This will involve taking down the art and putting the place back together
Below is the volunteer form if you or others are willing to volunteer:
3.  The campaign is looking for people who can give two minute testimonies and share personal experiences of one of the  interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care, militarism and the war economy and the false moral narrative of religious nationalism from one of the highlighted campaign injustices. You can click onto the  Moral Agenda  for a detailed PPC agenda as it relates to those injustices.
If you personally want to testify or have someone else who will, please respond to this email to me at lib2@case,edu, and give me the name, contact and what the person will testify about.