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Witness Against Torture: The clock is ticking for 16 Guantanamo prisoners.

Our hearts are in Gaza, and they also continue to be in Guantanamo.  Read on about simple ways to advocate for the release of those unjustly bound in Guantanamo Prison. In peace and solidarity,

The WAT Organizing Team.

Free Uthman Abd Al-Rahim Muhammad Uthman! Join Andy Worthington's new campaign highlighting each of the 16 Guantanamo prisoners cleared for transfer.

He begins with Uthman (pictured above), saying: The approval for Uthman’s release — long overdue — was entirely appropriate....and it is surely time for some effort to be put by the Biden administration into giving him the freedom he so thoroughly deserves. Given current drops in Biden's approval ratings, their fate likely depends on whether they are transferred before POTUS's term ends.

Demand that former ambassador Tina Kaidanow, State Dept Special Representative for Guantanamo, arrange transfers for all 16 men immediately. Read Uthman's story -- which traces the unreasonable chain of decisions maintaining his detention. Contact your Congressperson and Senators:  Urge them to push the State Dept to act promptly to transfer all 16 men cleared for release Worldwide vigils Wed March 6 Join the next monthly vigil near you in support of the 16 men cleared for release and all the Muslim men ever imprisoned and tortured by our government at Guantanamo.

Contact the planner for the Jan 11 vigil in your town for the time and place. Are they playing games with our letters? Recent letters mailed to certain men never reached them at the address we've been given. Now a new address has been suggested, so try this one: (Detainee name) JTF-GTMO SJA PSC 210 ISN (detainee number) FPO AA 34010 Uneasy reading Yumna Rizvi recounts how other countries and the European Parliament and the Council of Europe are holding officials accountable for their post-9/11 war crimes while the U.S. continues to hide behind the bogus defense of state security. And we connect the dots.... As we in WAT know, the same "dirty rotten system" that created Guantanamo prison is responsible for the massive U.S. immigration detention network and U.S. carceral system. We applaud the activists protesting at the Northwest Detention Center in Takoma, Washington, one of many where horrible abuses are documented. We deplore the forced labor in New York's prison labor system. And we absolutely condemn the Israeli mass imprisonment of Palestinians as part of their current genocidal assault on Gaza.