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An Act of Love - free film screening

Saturday, January 18, 2020
West Park United Church of Christ, 3909 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44111

Full equality for the LGBTQ community cannot exist in the U.S. without the support of the Christian community. Laws may be passed that provide more rights and protections, but those rights will be routinely ignored in places where the community does not agree that LGBTQ citizens should be treated as equals under the law and under God. Just as the struggle for racial and gender equality made huge strides forward once they gained the support of influential religious communities – so will the LGBTQ movement.

"An Act of Love" tells the story of the Rev. Frank Shaeffer's decision to officiate the marriage of his son to another man and the consequences of breaking the rules. Panel discussion will follow with guests Rev. Dr. J Bennett Guess of the ACLU, Rev. Dr. Steve Bailey of the United Methodist Church-North Coast District, and Rev. Dr. Bentley de Bardelaben-Phillips of United Church of Christ national office.