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In honor of the victims - Close the SOA

In honor of the victims
Since its founding in 1946, the infamous SOA (School of the Americas/School of Assassins) has had a dreadful impact on democracy throughout in Latin Ammerica. In 2019 in Bolivia, at least six SOA/WHINSEC (the re-named Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) graduates, led by General Wiliams Kaliman Romero, facilitated a coup against the will of the Bolivian people that Democratically elected President Evo Morales. We condemned this imperialist assault on Bolivia´s people. We denounced the burning of the Wiphala, a symbol of indigenous unity, strength, and resistance. We stood with the Indigenous and campesin@ communities and supported their autonomy, right to organize, and to decide the fate of their territories outside the grasp of the United States. As long as the Wiphala is flown, the fire of the resistance will continue to light Abya Yala. Together, we cry!
Hace apenas unos días en Bolivia al menos seis graduados de SOA-WHINSEC, liderados por el general Williams Kaliman Romero, facilitaron un golpe de Estado contra la voluntad del pueblo boliviano que eligió democráticamente al presidente Evo Morales. Condenamos este asalto imperialista al pueblo de Bolivia. Denunciamos la quema de la Wiphala, un símbolo de unidad, fuerza y resistencia indígena. Apoyamos a las comunidades indígenas y campesinas, y apoyamos su autonomía, su derecho a organizarse y a decidir el destino de sus territorios fuera de la garra de los Estados Unidos. Mientras la Wiphala ondee, el fuego de la resistencia continuará iluminando a Abya Yala. ¡Juntos gritamos!