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Environmental Human Rights: News & Updates

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Human Rights & Community-based organizations call for public investigations & inquiries regarding U.S. and Canadian support for Juan Orlando Hernández & the coup as the former president goes to trial on February 5, 2024.

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This report explains how issuances of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are an effective tool to mitigate the effects of the multiple crises that Latin American and Caribbean countries currently face. SDRs are among the most important alternative financing mechanisms available within the international monetary system, as they can generate new resources without increasing debt levels. Untapped for decades, recent issuances in 2009 — to address the effects of the global recession — and in 2021 — to help countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic — reintroduced SDRs as a powerful instrument for addressing global emergencies. However, the scale of their impact could be much more significant.

The current context, marked by the climate crisis, economic stagnation, and rising external debt burdens, calls for a strong, coordinated, and global response by the international community. So far, however, the response has failed to meet these challenges sufficiently or adequately. Given these circumstances, a new SDR issuance becomes not only relevant but also necessary for ensuring that countries of the Global South receive the financial support required for climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to achieve further issuances of SDRs, a coordinated push by Latin American and Caribbean countries, together with other countries and organizations in the Global South, is essential.

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When the trial of former U.S. and Canadian-back Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez (“JOH”) begins in New York on February 5th, Karen Spring of the HSN and Honduras Now will report from the trial, and make the links between the drug-trafficking and violence of the Honduran military-backed regimes, led by JOH, and close to 13 years of unconditional political, military and economic relations with the US and Canadian governments and numerous global corporations and banks.

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President-elect Bernardo Arévalo, set to take office on January 14, plans to bring structural change to Guatemala, focusing on anti-corruption measures, democratic security, and equal law application. His opportunities include strong support from indigenous groups, engagement with the private sector, and backing from the international community. However, challenges lie in addressing organized crime and drug trafficking, navigating a divided Congress, and countering continued attacks from the Attorney General's office. The text suggests collaboration with civil society, international support, and a comprehensive approach to corruption and crime are crucial. The international community is urged to support Arévalo's administration in promoting human rights and combating corruption.

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The implications of the Monroe Doctrine in Mexico, Central America, and Honduras, highlighting the failures of US policies like the Merida Initiative and drug war strategies. It emphasizes the devastating impact on these regions, resulting in violence, human rights abuses, and corruption. The focus is on adopting new paradigms, shifting away from punitive drug policies to prioritize human well-being, domestically and internationally. It also sheds light on the US influence in Honduras, pointing out interventions, support for corrupt regimes, and obstructing reforms. Furthermore, it addresses immigration, stressing the need for a humane approach rather than militarization. Recommendations include investigating DEA activities, reforming drug policies, anti-militarism measures, non-interference in Honduran affairs, and prioritizing human rights in immigration reforms.

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Beatriz's case, before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, reflects El Salvador's stringent anti-abortion laws. Denied the termination of her pregnancy despite grave health risks, Beatriz's plea was rejected by the Salvadoran Supreme Court, citing the child's rights over the mother's. Eventually, after intervention from the IACHR, a delayed cesarean section led to the baby's death and worsened Beatriz's health. This case symbolizes the repercussions of El Salvador's severe abortion restrictions, especially affecting marginalized women. Despite hope for justice, the country's political landscape remains staunchly against abortion rights. Similar challenges have been seen in Manuela's case, where the IACHR ruled in her favor posthumously. The government's resistance to acknowledging these violations showcases its alignment with conservative factions. This stance, influenced by international right-wing groups, reflects a growing regression on abortion rights in El Salvador.

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Colombian President Gustavo Petro challenges traditional diplomatic norms in a beachside Dubai interview, emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change. He advocates for a global shift away from fossil fuels, positioning Colombia as a model for decarbonization. Petro, known for his unconventional style and leftist views, proposes using financial institutions to reduce debt in exchange for environmental protection. Internationally, he plays a crucial role in COP28, supporting a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Despite ideological differences, Petro's approach aligns with a growing global consensus to phase out fossil fuels amid escalating climate concerns

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Panama's Supreme Court declared a new mining contract with a Canadian firm unconstitutional, concluding over a month of widespread protests. The contract, fast-tracked by Congress, aimed to boost profits but faced opposition from unions, teachers, students, and Indigenous groups. The mine, operated by First Quantum, contributed 5% to Panama's GDP. The court ruling sets a precedent against foreign companies exploiting lax rules, reflecting a broader resistance to short-term gains at the expense of environmental damage and national identity. Central America Studies scholar Jorge Cuéllar sees the ruling as curbing extreme extractive industry practices and protecting Panama's natural patrimony.

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Guatemala Election Watch #44

An important summary of the Indigenous reality of what "Guatemala" is, for more than 500 years, now leading the struggle in defense of the August 20, 2023 election results, and the construction of a different Guatemala for the future.
