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Environmental Human Rights: News & Updates
RRN Letter
June 24, 2017
death threats against the children of COPINH (Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) leader Francisco Javier Sánchez and other general threats against indigenous Lenca people in Lempira Department where the DESA corporation wants to build the Agua Zarca hydro-electric dam
RRN Letter
June 23, 2017
armed men threatened Aura Lolita Chávez and other indigenous women of CPK (K’iche Peoples Council) with sexual assault when the women tried to stop illegal logging on their ancestral lands in El Quiché Dept.
RRN Letter
May 25, 2017
arrest, detention and travel ban of César Geovanni Bernardez, director of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH), which is in a legal battle to secure Garífuna (Afro-Caribbean people) lands against challenges by tourism developers
RRN Letter
May 24, 2017
surveillance, attacks, and death threats against environmental and indigenous rights defenders Rodrigo Flores Peñalosa and Lucila Bettina Cruz Velázquez of the Tehuantepec Indigenous Peoples’ Assembly in Defense of Land and Territory (APIIDTT) in Oaxaca
RRN Letter
May 1, 2017
attempted murder of Maynor López, son of human rights defender Francisca Ramírez, who is Coordinator of the Council for the Defense of the Land, the Lake and Sovereignty, active in organizing resistance to construction of the Nicaraguan Grand Inter-oceanic Canal
News Article
April 5, 2017
Water wins over gold. A victory for communities who, for more than a decade, have relentlessly organized to keep mining companies out of their territories.
News Article
April 4, 2017
Two letters sent to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson from both House and Senate expressing grave concern at the risks facing activists who defend their land and the environment in Honduras.
February 28, 2017
March 14 is International Day of Action for the Rivers. We will be heading to Edgewater park for an afternoon of reflection and action. Join us!
News Article
February 28, 2017
IRTF signs on letter in solidarity with Berta’s family, the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) and Gustavo Castro (the Mexican activist who is the sole witness and survivor of the attack), the Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL), the Honduras Solidarity Network and MiningWatch Canada have collaborated to put together a declaration for broad support.
News Article
February 23, 2017
Guatemala’s indigenous communities have worked tirelessly to recuperate their communal lands in the 20 years since the end of the country’s 36-year-long internal armed conflict. But these communities have faced the constant threat of dispossession from mining companies, the large-scale agro-industry, and the construction of hydroelectric dams.