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El Salvador: News & Updates

El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. The US-backed civil war, which erupted after the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980, lasted 12 years (1980-92), killing 70,000 people and forcing 20% of the nation’s five million people to seek refuge in the US.

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The government of El Salvador has maintained a state of emergency and implemented amendments to criminal law that erode fundamental human rights such as the presumption of innocence and the right to defense. This approach has been criticized by Amnesty International and other organizations for disregarding international human rights obligations. Reports indicate numerous cases of enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, prison overcrowding, and deaths in state custody. Human rights defenders and dissenting voices face increased risks and persecution. The government's response to allegations of human rights violations has been characterized by denial and minimization. Without corrective action, the situation is likely to worsen, leading to more violations and a deepening crisis. It's imperative for the international community to condemn any security strategy that relies on human rights abuses and to advocate for comprehensive policies that respect human rights and address the root causes of violence.

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The historic reelection of Nayib Bukele and the New Ideas Party in El Salvador's recent election is marked by various firsts, including the introduction of online voting and voting locations abroad. Despite widespread anticipation of Bukele's victory due to his high approval ratings, the election was marred by controversies and irregularities. Bukele, known for his tough stance on crime, has seen a dramatic decrease in the homicide rate during his tenure, but this has been accompanied by concerns over human rights abuses and mass imprisonments without convictions. The election saw reports of electioneering violations and intimidation tactics, tarnishing what could have been seen as a clear democratic mandate. The outcome underscores the complexities surrounding Bukele's presidency and raises questions about the integrity of the electoral process.

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Nayib Bukele's recent reelection as President of El Salvador, despite constitutional limitations, has sparked concerns about his leadership style dubbed the "Bukele Model." Douglas Farah of IBI Consultants highlights several worrying aspects of this model:

  1. Authoritarian tendencies: Bukele's approach echoes strategies seen in other 21st-century political movements, including undermining checks and balances and consolidating power.
  2. Lack of transparency: Government activities are less transparent, with diminished accountability and restricted public access to information.
  3. Complex ties with gangs: There's a concerning integration of gangs into the political structure, alongside unsustainable mass incarceration policies.
  4. Weakening of institutions: Independence and professionalism within key institutions like the police, military, and judiciary are eroding.
  5. Human rights concerns: Despite touted security gains, the human rights cost is high, with a significant number of arrests and alleged abuses.

Farah argues that while Bukele's security model is praised publicly, its efficacy may be overstated, and it comes with significant human rights implications. Additionally, Farah points out Bukele's adoption of authoritarian tactics, including media control and suppression of dissent.

He also addresses concerns about the influence of China, suggesting it's overstated, and advocates for a more consistent critique from the Biden administration regarding anti-democratic trends in El Salvador.

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The article reports coordinated attacks on LGBTI+ communities in El Salvador by President Nayib Bukele and Argentinian President Javier Milei following their speeches at the CPAC conference. Milei focused on banning inclusive gender language in the government, while Bukele's government removed gender and sexual diversity references from schools and healthcare clinics. In response, the "Movimiento Ampliado LGBT+ de El Salvador" released a statement on Zero Hate Day, criticizing the attacks as a smokescreen to divert attention from broader societal issues, such as economic struggles, police abuse, and a democratic crisis. The statement emphasizes that targeting the LGBTI+ community will not address systemic problems and calls for solidarity, denouncing injustice and organizing against discrimination.

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CISPES brought together U.S. human rights and faith organizations to call on the Biden administration to heed reports from opposition parties, international observer missions and civil society organizations in El Salvador regarding systematic irregularities throughout the February 4 presidential and legislative elections. Read the letter.

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In El Salvador's recent elections on February 4, President Nayib Bukele, accused of rigging the system and suppressing opposition, faced technical issues as the platform for uploading preliminary results crashed. A recount revealed allegations of fraud, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election. Bukele's prior actions, including unconstitutional reelection bids, authoritarianism, and reforms favoring his party, had already raised concerns about free and fair elections. The State of Exception, ongoing since March 2022, has led to mass arrests, repression of opposition, and control over public institutions. Despite concerns about the election process, Bukele's party, New Ideas (NI), secured a supermajority in the legislature. The results have sparked calls for the elections to be reconvened amid doubts about democratic conditions and the integrity of the electoral process. The opposition, including the Popular Rebellion and Resistance Bloc, has rejected the results, and claims have been submitted to annul the election. The discrepancy between Bukele's popularity and that of his legislators suggests skepticism among Salvadoran voters about one-party rule and raises questions about the true extent of Bukele's support.

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The water defenders' arrest signals both a crackdown on civil society under President Nayib Bukele and a signal that Bukele may seek to resume metal mining operations.

Washington, D.C. and San Salvador – On February 15, 245 international organizations from 31 countries delivered a petition demanding that the Salvadoran  Attorney General drop the politically-motivated charges against five prominent Water Defenders arrested on January 11, 2023.

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El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele was re-elected for a second term in a landslide win. Bukele has overseen a vast and brutal crackdown on gangs, transforming the nation from one of the deadliest to one of the safest in Latin America. But that peace has come at a cost with thousands of innocent people jailed. Amna Nawaz and producer Teresa Cebrian Aranda visited the country for this report.

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El Salvador's millennial president, Nayib Bukele, secured an easy re-election on February 4, claiming a landslide victory with 85% of the vote and 58 out of 60 congressional seats for his party, Nuevas Ideas. Despite delays in official results and concerns over technical issues, Bukele declared himself president, leading to doubts about the election's legitimacy. Human rights groups criticize Bukele's crackdown on gangs, and his second term raises concerns about authoritarianism. Bukele's vice president, Félix Ulloa, stated they are "eliminating" and "replacing" democracy, causing international alarm. The country faces an economic crisis, with rising poverty attributed to factors like climate change and lack of support for farmers. Bukele's popularity, fueled by a cultivated image and a disregard for democratic institutions, has garnered support from the far right and libertarians, including figures like Tucker Carlson and Roger Stone. Bukele's attacks on the press involve invoking antisemitic conspiracies about George Soros, raising concerns about his approach to transparency and democratic values.

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El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, previously at odds with the U.S., has now garnered public support from the U.S. despite concerns over human rights and democracy. The shift in tone is seen as a strategic move, acknowledging Bukele's success in reducing gang violence and curbing migration. The U.S. emphasizes "good governance" and "fair trials" while engaging in more critical diplomacy behind closed doors. Bukele, adept at navigating the U.S.-China rivalry, uses his relationship with China as a negotiating card. The decline in migration and El Salvador's economic ties with the U.S. contribute to the diplomatic balancing act. While the U.S. pushes Bukele to ease the crackdown on gangs, China's growing influence in El Salvador adds complexity to the geopolitical landscape.
