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Trans and Gender-diverse Individuals in the Americas Part 4: Right to Work

LGBTI individuals have increased rates of poverty, due in part to limited educational opportunities, but also workplace discrimination that has resulted in limited job opportunities. One of the key components of the right to work is to be able to choose employment freely and without restriction, however, discrimination often restricts this right to work for LGBTQI individuals. In Latin America, trans individuals are the most discriminated against for employment. In El Salvador, only about 5% of trans individuals are employed.

Trans and Gender-diverse Individuals in the Americas Part 3: Right to Education

The right to education has often overlooked trans and gender-diverse children because of social and cultural biases. The LGBTQI community has higher than average dropout rates due to social exclusion and institutionalized discrimination. The report focuses on three needs for the right to education: availability, acceptability, and adaptability to be comprehensive and inclusive. Curriculum standards have excluded LGBTQI history and culture, and have had long-term effects, particularly with substandard sexual education materials and reproductive health information.

Trans and Gender-diverse Individuals in the Americas: Sustainable Development Goals

To commemorate International Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Economic (OSRESCER) jointly published a report of trans and gender-diverse people in the Americas. Over the next several posts, we will be publishing some of the content from the 175-page comprehensive report that highlights the intersection of gender diversity with the rights outlined in the framework of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The first part of this series focuses on the intersection of LGBTQ rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
