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Exploited Labor: News & Updates
RRN Case Update
July 1, 2020
April, May and June RRN case summaries at a glance
On behalf of our 190 Rapid Response Network members, IRTF volunteers write and send six letters each month to government officials in southern Mexico, Colombia, and Central America (with copies to officials in the US).
Who is being targeted? indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders, labor organizers, LGBTI rights defenders, women’s rights defenders, journalists, environmental defenders, campesinos, and others.
June 20, 2020
There are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in the richest country in the world. We're bringing together thousands from across the US to challenge the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism!
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
bus from Cleveland: bmallory@organizeohio.org
June 10, 2020
Alternative Trade Organizations (such as Equal Exchange) have foundational influence in the broader fair trade movement but have become isolated from even their most natural allies including coops, citizen movements, community economic organizations, unions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The monthly Food Action Forum meetings allow all of us to connect, build community, and have space to push our campaigns forward and engage in actions out in our local communities. In today’s overwhelmingly digital world we want to find ways to create meaningful and deep connections with this community, connections that are two-way, connections that are active, not passive. Join us as we work together to build a democratic brand that connects small farmers in the Global South to consumers in the Global North.
June 3, 2020 to June 6, 2020
Don't miss our virtual summit! Our keynote Shirley Sherrod, a land justice advocate who co-founded the first community land trust in the U.S., will give her address on Wednesday night. But there's a lot more Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Register (free) to get updates and workshop selections. See https://equalexchange.coop/summit . Why the summit? The strength and future of alternative trade organizations (ATOs) like Equal Exchange rests on building a broader network of food justice advocates and bringing them more deeply into our organization to foster real and direct solidarity with our small farmer partners and our growing co-operative network. We are forging the path as we walk it. Your participation in our June summit is a vital piece of this vision.
May 13, 2020
Alternative Trade Organizations (such as Equal Exchange) have foundational influence in the broader fair trade movement but have become isolated from even their most natural allies including coops, citizen movements, community economic organizations, unions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The monthly Food Action Forum meetings allow all of us to connect, build community, and have space to push our campaigns forward and engage in actions out in our local communities. In today’s overwhelmingly digital world we want to find ways to create meaningful and deep connections with this community, connections that are two-way, connections that are active, not passive. Join us as we work together to build a democratic brand that connects small farmers in the Global South to consumers in the Global North.
News Article
May 5, 2020
Safe workplaces, dignified jobs, fair wages, good health. Those are things we can probably all agree we want. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how far away that vision seems for too many of us. This month, workers at some of the biggest companies are walking off the job, protesting lack of protective equipment, sick leave, and other safeguards. Meanwhile, as 30 million people have lost their jobs and working people struggle to make ends meet, the billionaires at the top are making a killing. The pandemic is laying bare how the concentration of wealth and power is leaving too many behind. Here are a few ways to take action on behalf of workers.
RRN Letter
April 3, 2020
Private security guards employed by the La Grecia Sugar Mill burned homes and used gunfire to forcibly evict families of the Cerro Escondido campesino cooperative from the land they have been farming In Choluteca Department since last year. There was no judicial warrant for this forced eviction. Police cooperated by cordoning off a section of nearby highway. Iris Argentina Álvarez Chávez, age 52, was shot dead. Her husband and others were wounded. We call on officials in Honduras to ensure that the families are able to return to their land and homes and that they be compensated. Additionally, we urge the adoption and enforcement of effective measures against forced evictions, in alignment with international norms. Iris Argentina Álvarez Chávez--¡presente!
RRN Case Update
April 1, 2020
January, February, and March RRN case summaries at a glance
On behalf of our 190 Rapid Response Network members, IRTF volunteers write and send six letters each month to government officials in southern Mexico, Colombia, and Central America (with copies to officials in the US).
Who is being targeted? indigenous and Afro-descendant leaders, labor organizers, LGBTI rights defenders, women’s rights defenders, journalists, environmental defenders, and others.
By signing our names to these crucial letters, human rights crimes are brought to light, perpetrators are brought to justice and lives are spared. Our solidarity is more important than ever. Together, our voices do make a difference.
News Article
March 27, 2020
IRTF full-time volunteer Quin Galvin participated in a recent Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective to Colombia to learn from social leaders in the movement for environmental justice. This delegation brought about the realization that our work as environmental actors goes beyond the individual-actions approach that dominates our understanding of "how to be environmentally conscious," and how participating in collective work towards environmental justice is the only way towards collective liberation. Traducción en Español aqui también.
March 10, 2020 to March 12, 2020
CIW has postponed this event. We will announce updates once we receive them from CIW. Original plan was: thousands of farmworkers and their consumer allies will be taking New York City by storm with the 3-day Follow the Money March from Brooklyn to Midtown Manhattan, to protest Wendy’s unconscionable failure to join the Fair Food Program, the undisputed leader in combatting sexual violence, forced labor, and other human rights violations in the US agricultural industry. To travel together from Cleveland, contact irtf@irtfcleveland.org .